Dusk Wiki

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The Foothills is the first episode in DUSK. It features 11 levels (10 normal, 1 secret.). All the levels were mainly designed by the games creator, David Syzmanski. Each level has a distinct setting but a shared theme across the episode, derelict farms or industrial areas- with the exception of E1M9.


The unknown main character (presumably yourself) wakes up on meat hooks, he gets himself down and uses the hook as dual sickles, he travels through rural locations in Pennsylvania, encountering a mutant alligator, and two giant mutant Mages. Until he finally he reaches the town of DUSK itself. The town is completely empty. The inhabitants are either dead, possessed or part of the cult. After entering a passage in one of the buildings blocked in the street- the main character enters a secret military complex, that houses The Experiments. After defeating them, he proceeds to the abandoned granary, and to Episode 2- The Facilities.

Mission 1: Head Cheese

An underground lair built by The Cult, under a farm and ruins of a castle.

HeadcheeseDLN E1M1 iso

Mission 2: Down on the Farm

A small, derelict farm, complete with a barn, a corn field, a house and a neighboring forest.

The farm E1M2 ISO

Mission S: The Dim Slough

A swamp that connects to a light sewer system and small factory.

Swampfactory E1MS

Mission 3: Old Time Religion

A church standing on a hill just outside the farming estate leads to an underground complex of caverns, and traps, leading to the Intoxigator whose arena is in part of a sewer.

Churchgraves E1M3 ISO

Mission 4: Steamworks

An old underground sewer complex.

Rawsewage E1M4 ISO

Mission 5: Sawdust

A forest that connects to a destroyed industrial area and blockaded railway system.

Railway bridge E1m5 iso

Mission 6: The Cutty Mine

An abandoned (and allegedly haunted) mining complex, partially flooded.

Darkmines E1M6 ISO

Mission 7: Dead of the Night

A larger, industrial farm. Home to the 'Sanctum of the Worthy', and the Duke Brothers.

Midnight E1M7 ISO

Mission 8: Through the Gate

A canyon and dig site that leads to the gates (and walls) of the town of DUSK.

Welcome E1M8 ISO

Mission 9: Ghost Town

Inside the town of Dusk, it is derelict, apart from the enemies that roam it, a passage in the town leads to a dark secret...

Town of dusk E1M9

Mission 10: Creations

A secret military site housing The three Experiments. It can be assumed that this site is extremely deep underground after seeing how hidden the experiments were.

Whatdidwecreate E1M10
