Dusk Wiki

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Episode 2 Level select

The Facilities is the second episode in DUSK. It features 11 levels (10 normal, 1 secret.). All the levels were mainly designed by the games creator, David Syzmanski. Each level has a distinct setting but a shared theme across the episode, military complexes or heavy industrial zones, with the exception of E2M9, and E2M10 which are set in excavated Ruins.


After defeating The Experiments and leaving through the former holding tunnel, the protagonist has seemingly lost all of their weapons (apart from the signature sickles) and found their way to Dusk's Grainary. Fighting through it to its underground electrical works, leading to the adjacent factory (likely a slaughter house). After that the player battles on to the vast underground machine to the military controlled laboratory and power plant. After leaving there and defeating Big John, possibly the Military "Mastermind", you venture up to a mysterious facility in the sky, and a strange processing facility, and finally leading into the Lovecraftian Ruins, eventually defeating the giant reptilian Guardian to allow passage into the the blood and bone fueled teleporter to the third and final episode of DUSK, The Nameless City.

The Facilities reveals that after the Military, and the scientists having found various lovecraft-esque ruins under the town of Dusk and have committed a Faustian Deal in exchange for the Ruins' "Knowledge" which lead to the town being sealed, and the protagonist arriving for treasure.

E2M1: The Grainary

A large, industrial, processing / storage facility of grain and toxic materials.


E2M2: The Unseen

The underground electrical utilities and tunnels of the Granary, sitting atop of mysterious ruins.


E2M3: Into The Thresher

A processing facility connecting to a sinister machine network deep underground.


E2M4: The Infernal Machine

A huge underground network of mysterious machines that hack blood and bone.


E2MS: The Foundry

A deep underground foundry powered by lava connecting to a mine system. (The secret level of episode 2)


E2M5: The Escher Labs

An underground laboratory where reality bending experiments are being performed.

E2M5 E2M5 iso

E2M6: The Erebus Reactor

A vast and open facility containing a powerful reactor which has begun to tear open the earth.


E2M7: Neobabel

A scientific facility in the sky which serves a mysterious purpose.


E2M8: Blood and Bone

A facility made to house and harvest the power of the concrete altars.


E2M9: The Dig

A mining operation to enter and exploit the secrets of the ruins.

E2M9 2

E2M10: The Gauntlet

Heavily protected Ruins of Blood and Bone, containing a one way teleporter to The Nameless City.

